Ultrasound uses sound waves to offer a non-invasive, painless, and radiation-free method of imaging your horse's internal organs, tendons, and ligaments. Compared to radiographs, ultrasound highlights soft tissue changes such as tears in a tendon or ligament.
Ultrasound can also be used to guide technical joint injections such as cervical spine, lumbar spine, and sacroiliac joint. Ultrasound is also useful in diagnosing masses or lumps. This can be used not only externally but internally as well.

Diagnostic Benefits of Equine Ultrasounds
The following are some of the most common uses for ultrasonography at Sound Equine Veterinary Hospital. This valuable technology assists our vets in managing:
All of our veterinarians are well versed in the FLASH ultrasound procedure for rapid diagnosis of the source of your horse's colic.
Ultrasonography can assist our equine veterinarians in making more accurate diagnoses when confronted with the symptoms of this health issue.
Ultrasounds can assist veterinarians and owners in determining whether colic can be managed medically or if surgery is required.
Lameness Issues
Ultrasounds examine tendons and ligaments, bone surfaces, synovial fluid, and cartilage. Tendons connect muscles to bones, while ligaments connect bones to other bones. When tendons or ligaments are strained, their fibers may tear. With an ultrasound, the veterinarian determines the extent of the damage by examining its size, echogenicity, and fiber pattern.
Reproductive Cases
Ultrasound tracking of your mare's cycle is imperative for successful breeding.
Ultrasound is one of the few ways your horse's pregnancy care provider can see the foal. It can help a vet determine how far along your horse is, if the baby is growing properly, or if there are any potential problems with the pregnancy.
Thoracic & Abdominal Cases
A thorough examination of your horse's internal structures may be an important piece in diagnosing an illness.
Abdominal ultrasound examinations can reveal hollow viscera (large organs), solid organs, and fluid abnormalities. Thoracic ultrasound examinations can reveal pleural (lung) irregularities, effusion (swelling), and rib fractures.
Urinary System Cases
Bladder ultrasounds can provide information about the bladder wall, bladder diverticula (pouches), bladder stones, and large tumors in the bladder. Kidney ultrasounds can determine whether the kidneys are in the proper position or if they have blockages, kidney stones, or tumors.