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Dr. Sam Dzierzak

Dr. Sam Dzierzak is an equine veterinarian whose areas of interest include sports medicine, emergency medicine, and anesthesia.

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Dr. Sam Dzierzak, Poulsbo Veterinarian

Dr. Sam Dzierzak

Dr. Sam Dzierzak is originally from southeastern Wisconsin. She started riding at the age of 12, getting foundations at a hunter/jumper barn and then exploring and showing in several disciplines including dressage, polo, and AHA shows.

She received her bachelor's degree in Animal Science and Biology from the University of Findlay and graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison in 2017 with her DVM.

She completed an internship at Southwest Equine Hospital in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona and continued to gain valuable experience working in a referral hospital alongside boarded specialists. Her areas of interest include sports medicine, emergency care, anesthesia, and internal medicine.

Dr. Dzierzak moved to the Kitsap peninsula in 2022 with her husband, Jason, their two dogs (Scarlett and Luna Bear), and her Arab mare Raja. They look forward to exploring all the PNW has to offer! 

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